
  • Learning outcomes

    • A doctoral student knows circular economy systems in selected European countries and globally reflecting participating home university country, existing and emerging sustainable systems in particular.
    • A doctoral  student understands the role of support mechanisms, changing rules and policy and policy tools to support implementation of circular economy and understands the role of different partners such as society and a citizen, national and global regulator, a company and academia.
    • Entrepreneurship and innovating approach will be emphasised.
      A doctoral student learns essential skills such as international teamwork and multidisciplinary collaboration.

    Lectures (online, February-March, two hours/week)

    1. Introduction lecture, practicalities and connections (11 February) / Prof. Ainomaija Haarla, Aalto University
      Pre-reading material: http://bib.fi/dliDvQ/global "Donald N. Sull, Disciplined Entrepreneurship, FALL 2004 MIT SLOAN MANAGEMENT REVIEW (2004 vol:46 iss:1 p:71) "
      Lecture slides, please contact Leena Hauhio
    2. Essentials of entrepreneurship. How to identify new business opportunities and create a venture? (19 February) / Prof. Ainomaija Haarla, Aalto University
      Pre-reading material
      A. Business decisions: what does it take for an academic scientist to become an entrepreneur? Jeffrey Mervis, Science (sciencemag.org), 12 June 2015, Vol.348, Issue 6240, pp. 1190-1193 (http://bib.fi/zyLESQ/global)
      B. Hypothesis-Driven Entrepreneurship: The Lean Startup, Eisenmann, Thomas; Ries, Eric; Dillard Sarah, Harvard Business School, July 2013
      C. Entrepreneurial opportunity and the entrepreneurship nexus:A re-conceptualization, Per Davidsson,Journal of Business Venturing 30 (2015), pp. 674-695 (http://bib.fi/5B_cZg/global)
      Additional reading material on Venture Ideation:
      Osterwalder, Alexander & Pigneur, Yves (2010), Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers and Challengers.Hoboken, N.J.: Jpohn Wiley & Sons.
      Ries, Eric (2011), The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. New York, NY: Crown Business.
      Lecture slides, please contact Leena Hauhio
    3. Global challenges. Why do we need circular economy? Sustainability in circular economy. (24 February) / Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Markus Reuter, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology
      Pre-reading material
      Additional reading material from the lecturer
      Video links:
      Lecture slides, please see at the end of this page. 
    4. New business opportunities in circular economy digitalization (3 March) / Dr. Ilkka Kojo, Outotec
      Pre-reading material is added at the end of this page.
      Lecture slides, please see at the end of this page.

    5. New circular economy business opportunities in energy production and storage (21 March 10 March) / Dr. Anna Ponzio, Jernkontoret
      Pre-reading material: Lecture by prof. Julian Allwood : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1yUFUL-_AI 
      Lecture slides, please see at the end of this page.

    6. New circular economy business opportunities in metals and machinery (17 March) / Dr. David Peck, TU Delft 
      Lecture slides, please see at the end of this page.

    Themes for Summer Camp and Idea Camp

    Summer Camp 28 - 29 June, 2016, Aalto Design Factory, Otaniemi

    • Oral presentations and discussion on the assignments
    • Deepening lectures on how to develop a profitable start-up (company) including funding
    • Case studies (in groups): development of business plan and pitching talk to be presented during the Idea Camp

    Idea Camp 30 June, 2016

    • Some examples of existing start-ups on materials
    • Pitching talks of the doctoral students (and others?)
    • Evaluation of pitching talks

    Workload (5 ECTS ~135 hours)

    • Lectures 12 h
    • Group work 69 h
    • Summer Camp and Idea Camp 27 h
    • Independent work and reflection 27 h