Topic outline

    • File icon

      Updated (fixed some errors)

    • Folder icon

      In this first tutorial, you will work with time series data and learn how to perform variable selection for predicting Brazil inflation ratesThis folder contains the files for the  .ipynb file, the data and some images. Download from here and run the notebook on your own machine. Alternatively, we have made the files available in JupyterHub. 

    • Assignment icon

      Deadline: Friday, March 8th, at noon

      The first assignment is meant to be a bridge to the concepts that you have already studied in Data Science for Business I as well as to prepare you for the concepts studied during Week 2.

      The assignment is worth 16 points. Late submissions will suffer a 20% penalty for being up to a day late and a 50% penalty for being more than a day late. Assignments more than 2 days late will not be graded.

      Please submit your solution as a single document. We recommend using a Jupyter notebook file, since it can nicely display the Python code you used along with its output, and exporting it to PDF (or HTML). Name your file studentNum-lastname-firstname-a1.pdf (or .html).

    • File icon

      This is one possible way to solve the first assignment. If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.