51E00100 - Business Ethics, 25.02.2019-04.04.2019
This course space end date is set to 04.04.2019 Search Courses: 51E00100
Topic outline
The course starts on Monday 25 February 2019 at 13:15
in Lecture Room T003 (Maarintie 13)
Attendance in this introductory session is essential, so BE THERE.
Bring your computer - access to internet sources will come in handy in group work.
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The course includes two literature exams. PDF versions of the books can be found in Course materials (tab on the left).
Materials that you can acquaint yourself with to get the most out of the course include:
To understand the political philosophy aspect of the course you would be wise to read Matti Häyry's "Doctrines and Dimensions of Justice" which is attached as a separate file under Course Materials.