Osion kuvaus

  • Schedule

    Welcome to the Management Communication P02 workspace.

    Our first class session will be on Tuesday, 15 January in U-358, 3rd flr, Otakaari 1.

    However, before that there is a mandatory pre-work consisting of  readings and 2 pre-course assignments, which should be completed before coming to our first session on 15.1.2019. Details in the pre-work
    folder on the left.

    The course schedule is below.

    Please note that all other materials, including the pre-work, assignments and readings,  are in the drop-down menu in the top left-hand corner of the workspace. Materials will become available once registration is complete.


    PRE-WORK: Mandatory readings and 2 pre-course tasks

    Due 08.30,Tuesday, 15 January.

    1. Competing Values Communication Framework: readings     
    2. Communicator profile
    3. Objective-driven presentation

    Details in pre-work folder (drop-down menu on the left).

    Upload 2 and 3 to the respective submission boxes in the pre-work folder by 08.30, Tuesday, 15 January and bring 1 soft or hard copy of each assignment to the first day of class for peer review.

    SESSION 1: 15.01

    • Course overview: objectives, assignments
    • Competing Values Communication Framework
    • Discussion of CVCF Communicator Profiles
    • Fine-tuning CVCF objective-driven presentation: feedback on strategy
    • Division into groups for project (A4): choice of project situation 

    Preparation for session 2

          On your own
    1. Read Input 2: Strategic Contingency Model (SCM)
    2. Read Input 3: Persuasive managerial writing: sensitive messages
    3. Read Input 4: Reader-focused business writing
    4. Fine-tune your individual CVCF objective-driven presentation for 22 January.

           In your group
    1. Prepare communication project proposal (A4) in your group. Due 22 January.
    2. Prepare A1, the Bad News Message (BNM) draft. Due 22 January.

    SESSION 2: 22.01

    • Objective-driven presentations (pre-work assignment)
    • Peer reviewing & editing BNM (A1). Final version due 29 January.

    Preparation for session 3

          On your own
    1. Read Rogers (2003), Building a case and arguing with sophistication
    2. Read Denning, S. (2004), Telling Tales and Conger, J. (1991), Inspiring others
    3. Prepare individual transformational speech outline (A3) upload MyCourses by 29 January, and bring a copy to class for peer review.

           In your group
    1. Write the final version of your BNM (A1) and upload to MyCourses by 29 January.
    2. Prepare the managerial proposal in your group (A2) and bring two copies  to class on 29 January to allow for peer review activities.

    SESSION 3: 29.01

    • Reviewing and editing your managerial proposals (A2). Final version is due 5 February.
    • Feedback on transformational speech (A3) outlines
    • Writing an executive summary: focus on your A4 Executive Summary (ES)

    Preparation for session 4

          On your own
    1. Finalise your transformational presentation (A3). Be ready to present on 5 February.
    2. Read Input 5: Writing an executive summary
    3. Read input 6: Essentials of effective slide design
    4. Read input 7: Preparing an effective recommendation presentation

           In your group
    1. Finalise A3, the Managerial Proposal and upload it to MyCourses by 08.30,  Tuesday 5, February.
    2. Prepare your communication project presentation and executive summary (A4)

    SESSION 4: 5.2

    • Transformational speeches with peer feedback (A3)

    Preparation for session 5

          On your own
    1. View your transformational speech and write your appraisal (A3c). Upload to MyCourses by 12 February.
    2. Read: Yates, J. (2009), Active listening, and Munter, M. (2007), Q and A sessions.

           In your group
    1. Upload your A4 executive summary to MyCourses by midday, Monday, 11 February.
    2. Finalise your A4 final team presentation.
    3. Read the Executive Summary of the group you're going to be the audience for, and prepare a few questions you'd like to ask them after their presentation.

    SESSION 5: 12.02

    • Consultant presentations to top management of your project organisation / company followed by Q&A  (A4)