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    Dear students


    Welcome to ARK-A2504 - Software Basics 2 course! Here is some info and clarification of the course.

    This is a virtual course, there are no physical lectures you have to attend. After you registered, we will assign you to a Lynda video tutorial list, which will provide you with all the learning materials. The material is designed to support the Architectural Basics studio and the technical challenges related to it. Because of this, there is no extra assignment that you have to submit as a part of this course, your work will be directly evaluated as a part of your studios. Still, in order to successfully pass this course, you have to finish the online tutorials. Lynda enables us to check the progress of each individual student. This course will include an additional meet-up, time and place will be announced on MyCourses page. Here is a more detailed course info:


    ARK-A2504 - Software Basics 2

    Digital Modeling and Production

    Bachelor 2nd year, terms I and II (elective), 2 or 3 credits


    -       Skill building: advanced modeling in Rhino (NURBS curves), digital production (laser cutting, CNC blade cutting, 3D printing)

    -       The Big Picture: emphasis on digital-to-physical workflow, design thinking through models, overview of digital fabrication techniques and their uses

    -       Required: grading pass/fail based on attendance of lectures and tutorials, no direct grading of assignments in the course, skills evaluated as a part of Basics: Material 2


    Software Clinic

    In case you have specific software related questions, you can arrange to meet one of our two students running the Software Clinic who can help you out with any of the software covered in Software Basics 1-3. Please come with specific questions and only after you have finished related Lynda tutorials to make the meeting more efficient. Here are their contacts:

    Yoon Han (Architecture), yoon.han@aalto.fi

    Antti Rantamäki (Landscape Architecture), antti.rantamaki@aalto.fi

    For other questions, you can reach me through my email, luka.piskorec@aalto.fi, or swing by my office in P301 in Väre.

    With regards,

    Luka Piskorec