Topic outline

  • General

    Poster BD2

    Spring 2019

    ARK-E2003 Building Design Studio 2

    10 study points (ECTS)

    A design course for max. 30 master level students


    location: Väre J301 & J302 (level three, module J)

    Tuesdays at 13-17

    Contact teaching per student: 21h (incl. four seminars: course intro, two intermediate critiques and final critique, à 4h obligatory to all  + individual work 250h

    Responsible teachers

    prof. Antti Ahlava

    main instructor: Alejandro Campos

    course instructors:

    Pauliina Kujala

    Meri Wiikinkoski

    Ossi Konttinen

    Selina Anttinen

    Matias Kotilainen

    The task is


    in Helsinki.

    What is a museum? What is museum architecture? What is museum architecture for architecture and design? What can be the relationship of a museum and its site?

    – A report recommends that a new world-class state museum of architecture and design be established in Helsinki. The report commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the City of Helsinki, the foundation for the Design Museum and the foundation for the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Architecture Information Centre was submitted to Sampo Terho, Minister for European Affairs, Culture and Sport, and Jan Vapaavuori, Mayor of Helsinki, on 21 August, 2018:

    According to the report, Finland needs a new, top-class museum of architecture and design. Finnish architecture and design attract interest at both the national and the international level. The important collections of the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum and the demand in the field lay a strong foundation for the development of a new museum complex.

    The museum should speak widely to different groups of visitors. According to the report, it would also play an important role as a data bank for architecture and design, a learning environment and a visitor attraction and inspire societal discussion.

    The report proposes that the museum be located to a new building with interesting architecture and design and meeting the requirements of modern museum operations.

    More information:

    The study course will be accomplished parallel to a similar study course at Tampere University, Department of Architecture, led by prof. Fernando Nieto and univ. teacher Jenni Poutanen there.

    A museum as a cultural agent can express its activities in different manners and it is the task of the students on this study course to explore those possibilities with architectural tools.

    The following table is an attempt to list variables essential to two different perspectives in architecture and design for a museum. The alternatives have been listed here without any selection or recommendation pointing to an optimal solution in this case. This type of comparison can support the creation of a strategically distinct profiles of the museums in different student works. 

    It might be stated a museum should just be an empty envelope, which can display and support all sorts of approaches without clear own strategy or selection. A museum should become an active agent in culture.

    Additional site information:

    The New Museum of Design and Architecture



    A museum for design (suunnittelu) and architectural design (arkkitehtuuri suunnitteluna ja muotoiluna), including architectural design, industrial design, strategic design, service design; as reproduced objects and ideas

    A museum for art and architecture (arkkitehtuuri taiteena); buildings and utility objects as art; as unique works


    Integration, analysis, synthesis

    Experiments, future-orientation 

    Geographic coverage and representation



    Relationship to universities

    Design + architectural design collaborations

    Collaborations in art, entailing architecture and craft as art


    Everyday (arki)

    Celebration, exceptions (juhla)

    Helsinki / Finland within the Nordic dimension

    Nordic welfare thinking

    Nordic lunacy


    Guardian of archives and a reliable specialist

    Unpredictable provocator

    Role towards culture



    Relation to future

    Renewal agent, a forerunner

    Radical disruptor, an utopian and a dystopian 

    Value proposition


    Exuberant, prestigious

    Exhibition policy

    Large Finnish exhibitions for international audiences and smaller local curiosities for local audiences

    Large international exhibitions for local audiences and smaller local curiosities for international audiences 

    Nature of spaces

    Changeable, flexible wide spaces

    Fixed, stable configuration of exhibition spaces

    Renting policy

    Spaces rented to external event organisers

    No spaces for rent to external agents


    Course calendar