
  • Schedule

    Spring 2019  -  course cancelled.
    Welcome to attend in spring 2020 instead. Please register on time.

    Welcome to the Practice of Presenting Research -course. We will meet during period 5 in Otaniemi (seminar room R028/F102). From these pages, you will find the schedule and basic information about the course. Please also see WebOodi. Closer to the start of the course, we will ask you to complete a short questionnaire to survey your needs and course expectations.

    Preliminary plan


    Before the course starts you should do one pre-task: (1) prepare a one-minute video where you present yourself for others and (2) get to know the others by watching and replying to the videos. If you feel uncomfortable to show your own face, you may also use a drawing of yourself or a mask. You will also be asked to familiarize yourself with some online materials.

    The course starts Friday 26.4.2019 12:15-15:00

    Signe-Anita Lindgrén

    Please bring to class: 1)  your laptop/smart devise if you have one, 2)  a link to a conference in your field of study that you’d like to attend or like to have attended. Please familiarize yourself with a couple of web pages (TBA)

    • Introduction to the course and the assignments. 
    • Academic speaking and writing principles.
    • Key oral and written language features.
    • Preparing for pitching a poster.

    Teemu Leinonen

    • Introduction to the course and the assignments cont.
    • Discussion on the pre-task.
    • Working on assignments.

    Teemu Leinonen

    • TBA: Aalto communications
    • Social media and academics.
    • Publishing and exhibitions.
    • Presenting in a conference.
    • Working on an assignment.

    Signe-Anita Lindgrén

    • Topics from previous session cont.
    • Mingling activity
    • Pitching-a-poster practice
    • Info about LC support for doctoral candidates

    Teemu Leinonen

    • Preparing the posters. 
    • Poster presentations, with TBA.
    • Conference presentations.
    • Feedback discussion.

    Post-tasks TBA

    • Welcome to Practices of Presenting Research!

      Once WebOodi registration closes (mid April), you will receive instructions for the pre-tasks to be completed before the course starts.