Topic outline

  • General

    Course contents

    • Core concepts: Structure, bonding, synthesis, and characterization of solid state materials.
    • Core practical skills: Use of crystal structure databases, visualization of crystal structures, interpretation of phase diagrams, and phase identification with powder X-ray diffraction data.
    • Application of the above core concepts and skills to various main group compounds and transition metal compounds.

    Practical arrangements

    • Teacher: Antti Karttunen (
    • Course begins on Monday 25.2. at 12:15 in Computer class 1 (B016).
    • The teaching sessions consist of a lecture part and practical exercises.
    • The course includes also independent project work that will be carried out using Aalto Solid State Chemistry Wiki.
    • Week 1: Crystal structure

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      Structure of crystalline materials. X-ray diffraction. Point group and space group symmetry.

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      Structural databases, visualization of crystal structures

    • Week 2: Bonding in solids

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      Electronegativity. Atomic/ionic radii. Description of crystal structures (coordination, close-packing).

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      Band theory. Band structures.

    • Week 3: Synthesis of solid-state materials

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      Phase diagrams and crystal growth

    • Week 4: Characterization of solid-state materials

    • Wiki workshops

      We organize Wiki workshops on Thursday 21.3. at 12.15-14.00 and Friday 22.3. at 12.15-14.00 in Computer class 1. Welcome to drop in at any time to discuss your Wiki project and any technical issues related to it.

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      Miller indices. X-ray techniques. Phase identification by powder XRD. Microscopies.

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      Spectroscopies and thermal analysis

    • Week 5: Main group compounds

      Open office hours for further discussion about exercises: Friday 29.3. at 12:30-13:30

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      Geochemistry and abundance of elements. Minerals and mineral databases.

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      Main group compounds (allotropes, Zintl phases)

    • Week 6: d-block metal compounds

      Open office hours for further discussion about exercises: Friday 5.4. at 12:30-13:30

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      d-block metals: basics and magnetism

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      d-block metal oxides and other compounds

    • Week 7: Specialized topics I

      Open office hours for further discussion about exercises: Thursday 18.4. at 12:30-13:30

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      Defects, solid solutions

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      Semiconductors, doping, electrical properties

    • Week 8: Specialized topics II

      Open office hours for further discussion about exercises: Friday 26.4. at 12:30-13:30

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      Layered compounds, intercalation chemistry

    • No lecture on Wednesday 24.4.! Final discussion on Tuesday 23.4.

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      Reflection on the course topics