
  • Allmänt


    to the interesting world of Materials for Renewable Energy.

    This course is a journey to help you understand

    what type of roles materials play in the energy sector.

    How to utilize reneable energy at industrial scale processes and

    design energy application to fulfill circular economy requirements. At this course

    we welcome students from multidisiplinary backgrounds and  discover together at workshops to

    develop ideas and therefore the course requires active participation.

    Teaching method for the course is Flip the classroom (more info below), discovery workshops

    and innovation projects.

    Note that the first seission is at 10.1.2019.

    Contact session      
    Group task    
    1 Course intro +
    Renewable Energy Systems
      Task 1: Energy calculation (pair)
    2       New Material Solutions (NMS)       
    Flip 1
       Task 1: Energy calculation (pair)     
    3 Durability Flip 2
    Task 2: NMS (group)
    4 Material Substitution
    Flip 3
    Task 2: NMS (group)
    Recycling challenge
    "Task 2 pitch"
    Flip 4
    Task 3: Eco-Design (group)
    6 Eco-Design Flip 5
    Task 3: Eco-Design (group)
    7-8 Task 3 pitch
    Task 3: Eco-Design (group)

    Any doubts for the course, contact the responsible professor:
    Annukka Santasalo