Topic outline

  • General

    Course home page

    • Elective course in Sustainable Metals Processing major. 
      Teaching Period III-IV (Spring 2019)

      • Lectures 12 h
      • Tutorials 24 h
      • Project (home) work 37 h
      • Independent (group) studies 62 h
      Learning outcomes, after the course the student can: 
      • understand the structure of a thermochemical solver (Gibbs energy minimiser),
      • handle equilibria in heterogeneous multi-component (non-ideal) systems
      • do equilibrium simulations in multicomponent heterogeneous systems
      • Thermodynamics of solution phases and their analytical forms in condensed systems,
      • use and development of analytical descriptions for solution phases,
      • applications of Gibbs energy minimisation techniques for the chemical simulations.
      Assessment Methods and Criteria 
      • Lectures
      • Tutorials and guided assessments in a computer class
      • Project work in groups from selected topics
      • Independent study and exam

      The lectures start Tue 8 January in lecture hall A302 at 8.15-10.00 and will be held every Tuesday.
      The project works start Wed 9 January in Chemistry building computer class. During the course three project works will be done in two-person teams.

    Course textbook David R. Gaskell: Introduction to the thermodynamics of materials (2003) available in Aalto University library e-books in the Dawsonera collection.