Topic outline

  • You can, for example, get your money back for these kinds of expenses:

    • Participation compensations. For simplicity, you can only offer things (not plain money or money-equivalent gift cards, to "S" or "K" chain stores or Stockmann, for example) and max 20 eur/person. Movie tickets are a safe choice. Your customer company may have different regulations, so it is a good idea to ask them.
    • Travel costs
    • Material costs

    If you claim back movie tickets or other compensations
    , ask participant details and a signature from each participant, following these regulations (available in Finnish only). You can use this document to gather the necessary information.

    In all these cases, we’d like to ask you first pay the purchases from your own wallet. You can then claim your money back from us. To claim your money back, follow these steps:

    1. Save all the receipts so that you can prove that the cost is real.
    2. Scan all the receipts
    3. Prepare a document that details what these costs were: what their purpose was
    4. Fill in a personal details form. You can download the form from this page.
    5. Send all the material (scanned receipts, the cost explanation document, the personal details form) to Antti when you know that there will be no further costs

    Do these steps individually for each person who made purchases.

    I can then send this information to Travel Services, which is the unit that will pay you back.