Osion kuvaus

  • Tuesday 28 May, 9.15–17 with Sofia Kolovskaya


    to learn new tools for art and design practice 
    to learn something new about illustration application 
    to see how stories and topics might be found in real life 
    to observe, dive into and get inspired by real life around.

    We will examine and discuss the long tradition of illustrative reporting, I’ll show lots of examples including my own works and then we will continue our exploration with some practical assignments. Each assignment and final resuls will be discussed in group, so we can learn not only by doing but also by observing each other works. 

    Methods: observation / searchings / investigating, discussions, sketching

    Learning outcomes:

    Participants will learn a bit of history of journalistic illustration, nice stories, names and examples. They also will try themselves in the role of master of reportage and visual essayist. They will take home new knoledge and also many sketches, ready non-fiction story and impressions done in visual form. My main goal is to inspire and show that there is a bigger world outside that needs creative people like us, that there are so many stories we can tell and also to show real instruments students can use in future to tell these stories.