Topic outline

  • General

    The lectures are from 13:15 to 15:00 on Thursdays each week. Note that we're not always in the same classroom – check each date.


    • Jan 10: Kickoff, forming the groups, examples (Q101)
    • Jan 17: Theory tutoring (G202)
    • Jan 24: Theory presentations (F101)
    • Jan 31: Benchmarking and concept brainstorming (F101)
    • Feb 7: Scenarios (F101) – What is a scenario?
    • Feb 14: Guest lecture: Teemo Tebest from YLE – National Broadcasting Company (R102)
    • Feb 28: Prototype sketching (Q101)
    • Mar 7: User testing with paper prototypes (Q101) – Prototyping for Tiny Fingers
    • Mar 14: MA applicant interview week, no session
    • Mar 21: Data analysis (Q101) – Data analysis and ERD
    • Mar 28: Mockups (Q101)
    • Apr 4: Animating the mockups with Antti Hietaniemi (G202)
    • Apr 18: Tutoring (Q101)
    • Apr 25: Final presentations (Q101)

    May 28: Demo Day. The last deadline for the prototypes – but only if you show it there :)

    Note that there is no teaching during workshop weeks.