Enrolment options

Credits: 5

Schedule: 11.01.2019 - 29.03.2019

Teaching Period (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

III-IV 2018 – 2019, 2019 – 2020 (spring)

Learning Outcomes (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Students will be able to describe the history, trends, and applications of digital audio signal processing, describe the concepts "dither" and "noise shaping", recognize and design digital filters used in audio signal processing, describe how the sampling rate of a digital audio signal can be altered, list sound analysis, synthesis, and effects processing techniques and their main features, explain basic principles and uses of audio codecs, describe what the concept "virtual acoustics" means, and apply the provided methods using the MATLAB software.

Content (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

General overview, history, and applications of audio signal processing, dither, noise shaping, digital filters used in audio, audio-specific design methods for digital filters, sampling rate conversion, analysis methods for audio signals, digital reverberation and effects, 3-D sound and virtual acoustics, sound synthesis, audio coding and multimedia standards.

Assessment Methods and Criteria (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Special assignment and learning diaries with exercises, or alternatively, special assignment and examination.


Workload (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Contact teaching approximately 40 h, independent work approximately 93 h, total 133h

Attendance in some contact teaching may be compulsory.

Study Material (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Lecture notes and additional reading to be announced in the beginning of the course.

Substitutes for Courses (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 


Course Homepage (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 


Prerequisites (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

ELEC-C5230 and ELEC-E5600 or equivalent knowledge.

Grading Scale (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 


Registration for Courses (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 


Further Information (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Language class 4: English, can be passed in Finnish or Swedish on request


Registration and further information

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