ELEC-E8126 - Robotic manipulation, 07.01.2019-08.04.2019
This course space end date is set to 08.04.2019 Search Courses: ELEC-E8126
The course exercise assignments are handled through Aalto gitlab. All instructions will be posted there. Some material will also be available below.
The course gitlab repository is reachable at https://version.aalto.fi/gitlab/robotic_manipulation
Grading and evaluation
To pass, 50% of maximum total grade must be achieved.
- Quizz-assignments 25%
- Exercise-assignments 75%
Individual Exercise-assignment points:- 5 points
- 15 points
- 15 points
- 15 (+ 4.5) points (if you do the bonus task)
- 15 points
- 15 (+ 4.5) points (if you do the bonus task)
- 20 points
Total exercise points are 100 (+ 9) points.