LC-1320 - Thesis Writing for Engineers (MSc) (w) - H05, 23.04.2019-31.07.2019
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LC-1320 - Thesis Writing for Engineers (MSc) - H01, 12.09.2018-15.02.2019
1-credit optionTue. 23.04. Compulsory Info Session (12.30 - 15:00, U121a)
Thu. 25.04. Introduction (12.30 - 15:00, U121a)
3-credit option
Thu. 09.05. Result-Discussion (12.30 - 15:00, U121a)
Tue. 21.05. Conclusion (12.30 - 15:00, U121a)
Thu. 23.05. Abstract (12.30 - 15:00, U121a)