Osion kuvaus

  • General

    Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Teacher (MC)

    The course will start on Wednesday the 9th of January, 12.15 - 13.45, 2019 at the Production Engineering Laboratory (Production Engineering building / K2, Puumiehenkuja 3. Entrance through middle door on the parking lot side of the building). This start-up lecture is obligatory, as safety instructions are given and the general arrangements and contents of the course are described. Be there!

    Laboratory exercises take place in four groups (Tuesdays or Thursdays, NOT on week 8) and you have to sign up for one in Oodi. Register to ONE GROUP ONLY, and if you do not intend to participate, do not register at all! If you change your mind later and decide not to paticipate, remove your registration immediately!

    A morning excursion to ARTS/Väre sheet metal workshop will take place on the 27.2. (in Finnish) and 6.3. (in English), gathering in the main lobby of Väre building at 9:00. Sign-up in Oodi. Again, cancel sign-up if you change your mind! This is "voluntary" alternative to writing a lengthy report on sheet metal work and machinery - follow this MyCourses page and messages!

    Lectures are given in the laboratory on Mondays 10.15 - 11.45 and Wednesdays 12.15 - 13.45.

    Grading is based on your report and examination. Maximum points are 15; 5 (range 1-5) for report and (5 x 5) / 2.5 = 10 for examination.