
  • The deadline for returning homework (the last problem in the paper) is the following week's Tuesday 14:00. Hand written homework is returned on paper in return box (metal boxes opposite of Y192, first floor main building main corridor, next to the big bomb shelter door, find the course code MS-E2148 on right-middle). Matlab excercises are returned on My Courses. Computer written homework in pdf-format may be returned on My Courses (no scans of hand written work).

    In each exercise session there will be 1-2 problems that students present on the blackboards. You will get the solutions for these problems beforehand in My Courses. If you are prepared to present the solutions for the problems you get 1 point. In the end of the course, these points will be scaled up to 2 exam points. Each homework will be graded 0-4. In the end of the course, the homework points will be scaled up to 4 exam points. The points are updated to this Google drive document throughout the course.

    In addition to the home assignments and problems that students present, there are problems that you will try to solve during the exercise session. Some more advanced problems will be demonstrated by the course assistant.