TU-E1090 - Research Assignment in Strategy and Venturing, 10.01.2019-31.05.2019
This course space end date is set to 31.05.2019 Search Courses: TU-E1090
Topic outline
Responsible teacher: Roxana Turturea
Teaching period: III-IV (Spring)
Workload: 5 credits
Learning Outcomes:
- Students will learn how to apply research methods and scientific thinking in problem solving.
- Students will learn how to define and specify adequate research objectives and research questions in the subject area of Strategy and Venturing.
- Students will learn how to make a sound research plan for a small-scale empirical study.
- Students will be able to analyze empirical data, report the results, and evaluate the quality (reliability and validity) of empirical research.
The course involves designing a study that is based on empirical data. Students will do hands-on exercises of the different phases of scientific research (e.g. designing an instrument for collecting data, data collection, data analysis, etc.). The course prepares the students for conducting scientific research (e.g. Master's thesis). For more details, refer to the course brochure and the list of topics in the "For Aalto Users" folder (these will be uploaded soon).
Course practicalities
The course consists of two parts.
Part 1 (about 54 hours) includes lectures, reading materials, and examination, and is held jointly with three Majors (i.e., courses TU-E1090 - Research Assignment in Strategy and Venturing, TU-E2090 - Research Assignment in Operations and Service Management, TU-E3091 - Research Assignment in Organization Design and Leadership). All information and communication regarding Part 1 (reading materials, pre-lecture work, exams, news and discussions) takes place in a separate forum hosting all three courses at
The first lecture will provide further details.
The second part of the course (81-135 hours) consists of supervisory meetings and writing a research plan and a research assignment. Please note that for Part 2, students in TU-E1090 - Research Assignment in Strategy and Venturing need to follow the instructions provided here.
To participate in this course, you must register to both the course (Part 2) and the lecture module (Part 1)