Osion kuvaus

  • Course overview: Learning objectives, content and assessment

    Learning Objectives:

    (1) Participants know how to identify operational constraints in current operations and services and how to design solutions using emerging digital technologies to address those constraints.

    (2) Participants are familiar with different innovation management perspectives and know how to apply them in solving real-life innovation problems.

    Learning activities:

    The course is based on four learning activities.

    1) Pre-assignment

    Students read specified introductory materials and return a report before the first official session of the course. Returning the pre-assignment is mandatory for participation in the course.

    2) Design assignments

    Each session on Fridays focuses on selected innovative solutions in operations and services presented by invited guest lecturers from industry or leading research groups. The guest lecturers present a design challenge, which is assigned to one student group. The task of the group is to identify parts of the solution on which further innovation is needed, and develop a solution proposal. The proposal is presented and evaluated in the following session. Other groups provide structured peer feedback on each proposal presentation.

    3) Innovation management lectures

    Each thematic session also includes an introductory lecture on selected innovation management perspectives. These are discussed in class, as well as utilized in both the design assignments and the concluding personal assignment.

    4) Individual assignment (for 5cr version only)

    The course concludes with an individual assignment. In the assignment, each student summarizes one innovation management perspective based on the lectures and supplied readings, and reflects their group's design assignment in light of the innovation management perspective.

    Assessment Methods and Criteria:

    Students are required to have completed an individual pre-assignment to join the groups for solution design and evaluation of designs.

    5 cr. version: assessment based on individual pre-assignment, group’s design assignment presentation, group’s evaluations of peer’s design assignments, and the concluding individual assignment.

    3 cr. version: assessment based on individual pre-assignment, group’s design assignment presentation and group’s evaluations of peer’s design assignments.

    Study Material:

    A selection of research articles provide students with useful tools and theoretical frameworks for problem framing, design proposal development and evaluation.

    Responsible teacher: Jan Holmström, Jaakko Siltaloppi

    5 cr. version: Thematic sessions, including visiting lectures and student presentations 36h; group activity 18h; individual study 30h to 40h: individual concluding assignment 30h to 40h

    3 cr. version: Thematic sessions, including visiting lectures and student presentations 36h; group activity 18h; individual study 30h to 40h