Topic outline

  • Course information

    Welcome to the home page of TU-E2120 Project Business! 

    Project business (TU-E2120) course will be organized during Periods III-IV with two different versions (3 and 5 credits).

    Both 3cr and 5cr versions include seminars on Wednesdays during 9.1. - 6.3.2019 (we call them seminars to emphasize the discussive nature of the sessions, but the word 'lecture' could be used interchangeably). Students are expected to read pre-seminar readings and watch pre-seminar videos before each seminar, and students must write a learning diary of each seminar theme and submit it by next Sunday at 18.00 hours at the latest. Then students must evaluate and give feedback (= grade) two other students' learning diaries by next Tuesday at 23.59 at the latest, i.e. the day before the next seminar on Wednesday. Delays of these submission deadlines about learning diaries and evaluations are unacceptable. Also, students must write a final essay after the seminar series, on reflecting the course content. There is no exam.

    The first seminar session will be held on Wed 9.1. at 14.15-17.00 in lecture hall TU7 in TUAS Building.

    The 5cr course version includes a group assignment that starts by forming the groups just after the first seminar of 9.1. and simultaneous application for the 5cr course submitted to Vinod Ramachandran. A separate notice about acceptance to the 5cr course version is sent to students that have applied to this 5cr course version. Note that aftre you have got notice of acceptance to participate to the 5cr course, you must sign up for the four workshops (that we call Board Meetings) arranged in Period IV this signing up takes place by signing yourself to "small group teaching" in WebOodi.

    The 3 credits version is aimed at students with a minor in industrial management, as well as all other students generally interested in project management. 

    The number of participants in the 5 credits version is limited, and therefore priority is given to students majoring in industrial management and to students who have included the course in their mandatory curriculum (extended minor or similar), or are from the department of civil and structural engineering (e.g. construction management and economics). Consequently, special application to this course version is required. The application procedure, as well as other practicalities related to the 5 credits version, are explained in the end of the first seminar on Wednesday, 9th of January.

    Please refer to the course syllabus for more information about the workload and prerequisites for both course versions. 

    Please register for the course on WebOodi. The registration in WebOodi is mandatory as it enables the course staff to manage course practicalities.

    Also, when you have registered to WebOodi before the first seminar of 9.1., we will channel your contact data to the 'learning diary' and 'evaluation'/peer-grading system, and accordingly, you will receive an invitation to your email just after the first seminar session from the system ( that you are expected to submit your first learning diary by next Sunday 13.1. at 18.00 at the latest, and start evaluating two other students' learning diaries by next Tuesday 15.1. at 23.59 at the latest, etc.

    All essential information associated with the course will be available on this MyCourse page.  It is advisable to turn on email notifications from this course in order to receive the latest updates and possible schedule changes in real time. 

    Welcome to the course!

    Course staff


    Prof. Karlos Artto (karlos.artto[at]

    Tero Haahtela, M.Sc (Tech.), M.Sc (Econ.) (tero.haahtela[at]

    Course assistant:

    Vinod Ramachandran, M.Sc (Tech.) (vinod.ramachandran[at]