
  • Allmänt

    • The Hydrological modelling -course will be held on Mondays (9:00-12:00, class Y344) and Thursdays (13:00-16:00, class U344) during period III (7.1.-21.2.2019).

      The course starts on Monday 7 January 2019 at 9:00 (class Y344 - LOCATION IS CHANGED!).

      See course contents at Oodi-pages.

      The course will focus on weekly themes with exercises on modeling applications. 

      On Tuesdays at 16:15-18:00 there is additional time for working on exercises at the computer room in Tietotie 1 E (II Floor, Water lab building).

      The themes and program:

      7 Jan, 10 Jan: Meteorological input of a hydrological model (Exercise).

      14 Jan, 17 Jan: Soil water and drainage model construction (Exercise).

      21 Jan: Simulation of agricultal water management (Exercise).

      24 Jan: Drainage design (group work).

      28 Jan, 31 Jan: Model set up and simulation of forestry water management (Exercise).

      4 Feb: Estimation of nutrient loads (Exercise).

      7 Feb: Phosphorous cycle and processes (group work).

      11 Feb, 14 Feb: Urban hydrological modelling applications using SWMM (Exercise and group work).

      18 Feb: Preparation for the exam.
      21 Feb: The exam (optional).

      Model concepts