Topic outline

  • As a pre-assignment you are asked to do following tasks:

    1. Write a short essee of your expectations for the course by using the following questions as a guide: 
    - What are your expectations for this course? 
    - What would you like to get out of it? 
    - What are you anxious about? 
    - What are you excited about? 

    Please do not exceed 500 words but try to put together at least 250 words. 

    2. Bring the written assignment to the first lecture

    3. If you are not familiar with R, please do a tutorial for beginners at, and from there Introduction part. If you are familiar with R, you can choose another section from that web-page, if you feel that you need to rehearse a bit. Please note: there are also many other tutorials for beginners, please feel free to find the one that fits to you best. 

    You should be able to find R and RStudio from all the Aalto computers, and you can also install those to your own computer - see links in the 'Schedule and practicalities' tab. In the course you are also able to use either your own computer or the computers in the class room. 

    See you on coming Tuesday!