Topic outline

  • General

    This intensive course is an introduction to R-programming. The goal is to learn the basic commands required to work with R. Students are not expected to have any prior experience with R-programming. Note that, in order to complete the course, it is mandatory to attend all the lectures. The lectures are from 10:15 to 16:00 on Saturday 19.1.2019 and from 10:15 to 16:00 on Sunday 20.1.2019. There will be a one hour lunch break at 12--13. 

    Important update:

    Due to the popularity of this course, we have to split into three groups. The group division and the corresponding classrooms are the following:
    Group 1: lastname from A to Mar, classroom Maari-C at Maarintalo
    Group 2: lastname from Mat to Pel, classroom Maari-E at Maarintalo
    Group 3: lastname from Pir to Z, classroom U351 at Undergraduate Centre
    (Kandidaattikeskus). Furthermore, and this is important, as the Undergraduate Centre is closed on weekends, we have to use the M ENTRANCE OF U WING (see the map) main entrance exclusively. M-wing entrance is indicated in the map screenshot. However, if come late and the door is closed, please contact me via mobile (045 8778288) if the door is locked.

    Map indicating the M wing entrance to classroom U351.

    Note that there are no other requirements, besides the mandatory attendance, for passing this course. The possible grades are passed/failed.

    The exercises are under Materials in MyCourses. 

    If you have further questions, email