
  • Please write a short essay (1-2 pages) reflecting your arrival at the Aalto University and the start of your exchange period. (Title e.g. My arrival at Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering)

    You can write about the following topics, among others:

    • How did the application process work?
    • What did you learn during the Orientation and your first weeks at Aalto?
    • How did you get familiar with the university and its services?
    • Which extra activities did you participate in? Did they help you to get started with your studies and life in Finland, and how?
    • How do you feel about arriving to a new country?
    • What do you expect from your exchange period?
    • How do you expect your exchange period to affect your career skills?

    Please submit your essay as a pdf-file here in MyCourses. Deadline to submit the essay is 28 February 2019.