Topic outline

  • Welcome to LC-1114 Communicating Technology (o + w) (3 cr)

    The course starts on Tuesday April 16th. Attendance at the first lecture is mandatory.

    There is a pre-course assignment to be turned in by Mon April 15th at 14.00 pm.


    Time:                Tue 9.00-12.15

                              Required attendance 80%

    Place:               Room U406a (R001)


    Teacher: Eeva Hämäläinen (consultation by appointment only)



    Welcome to Communicating Technology. This course aims to:

    - help you recognize elements and strategies that enhance clarity and audience-friendliness in communication

    - help you apply these strategies and elements in both, writing related to your field of study and in oral presentations.

    Throughout the course, you will be working on a topic of your own choice, first developing a well-organized text and then presenting it to your peers. In order to improve your text and your presentation, you will give and receive constructive feedback and revise your work accordingly.

    In addition to developing the text through weekly assignments, you are expected to attend the lectures (required attendance 80%) and to complete independent work online (3 online modules).

    As a pre-course assignment, you will choose two topics that you could see yourself working with for the following six weeks. For more instructions, see Pre-course assignment.

    See you next week!

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