Osion kuvaus

  • Final oral presentations to  Chief Business Development Officer Kristian Tornivaara, DA-Group

    10 min per group to present, 4 min per group for the class to discuss + comments from the company

    –17.30 – 17.44 Maiju, Aleksandra S, Jia C - Bulgaria
    –17.46 – 18.00 Roope, Aleksandra M, Juliana – Latvia
    –18.02 – 18.16 Bin, Adele, Essi - Slovakia
    –18.18 – 18.32 Mikko, Nella, Trang - Estonia
    –18.34 – 18.48 Deba, Niklas, Kati - Czech
    –18.50 – 19.04 Oona,Topi, Helena - Hungary
    –19.06 - 19.20 Sinikka, Valentiina, Iona - Austria
    –19.22 - 19.36 Elna, Oliver, Jessica - Lithuania
    –19.38 -20.00 Feedback and plenary closing

    Written plan
    –Arial 12; 2 cm left, 1 cm
    marginal elsewhere, word
    or similar; 1 as line spacing
    –20–30 pages incl all
    –Well structured, content
    page included
    –Executive summary first,
    references in the end,
    appendices as last ones
    –Content: ideas and
    justifications the most
    important, show also your
    theoretical knowledge
    though a practical course

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään Global Marketing Management, Summer 2019 (Oodi)
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