Topic outline

  • General

    • Credits: 3

      Schedule: 18.04.2019 - 31.05.2019

      Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation): 

      Course coordinator: Roza Yazdani (

      Details on the course content (applies in this implementation): 

      A!ENG Research Lab is designed for Aalto`s doctoral candidates in their early stage of doctoral research. It introduces the doctoral process, the research principles, and the scientific writing. The course focuses on ways of conducting quality research, managing work and time and publishing in peer-reviewed journals of your field. It is also a platform to share your thesis and to meet and get support from peer doctoral candidates conducting research at Aalto.

      The course covers 3 credits (ECTS). You can take the course without the scientific writing seminar, which then covers 2 credits. The Scientific Writing Seminar is included in A!ENG Research Lab course, yet it can also be taken separately from the course, which then covers 1 credit. 

      There is no exam in the course and participation in teaching sessions is necessary. One non-attendance allowed. Grading: pass/fail

      information for the course (applies in this implementation): 

      Enrollment to ENG-LV A!ENG Research Lab in WebOodi under the course code ENG-LV. Enrollment

      Details on the schedule (applies in this implementation): 

      Thursday 18.4.19, Doctoral thesis process, 12.15-16.00,Otakaari 1 A2
      Postdoc. Roza Yazdani (Aalto University)

      Prof. Harri Koivusalo (Head of ENG Doctoral Committee, Aalto University)

      Senior Univ. Lect. Marko Keskinen (Aalto University)

      Thursday 25.4., Crafting your research, 12.15-16.00, Otakaari 1 A2
      Postdoc. Roza Yazdani (Aalto University)

      Postdoc. Kersti Haahti (Luke)
      Group works

      Thursday 2.5., Research methodology, 12.15-16.00, Otakaari 1 A2
      Senior Univ. Lect. Panu Kiviluoma (Aalto University)
      Group works

      Thursday 9.5., Career and well-being, 12.15-16.00, Otakaari 1 A2
      Psychologist Nina Lyytinen (Terveystalo)

      Psychologist Mikko Inkinen (Aalto University)

      Wednesday 15.5., Scientific writing, 8.30-16.30, Otakaari 1 A1
      Prof. Emeritus Bengt Lundberg (Uppsala University)

      Thursday 16.5., Scientific writing, 8.30-16.30, Otakaari 1 A2
      Prof. Emeritus Bengt Lundberg (Uppsala University)

      Friday 17.5., Scientific writing, 8.30-16.30, Otakaari 1 U5
      Prof. Emeritus Bengt Lundberg (Uppsala University)

      Thursday 23.5., Planning of research and time management 12.15-16.00, Otakaari 1 A2
      Assoc. Prof. Jani Romanoff (Aalto University)