CHEM-LV - Design of experiments , 25.03.2019-30.04.2019
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 30.04.2019 Etsi kursseja: CHEM-LV
Osion kuvaus
Welcome to the Design of experiments course! The first session in 2019 is on March 25th at 8:30-12 in R011/B016 (the Chemical Engineering Department).
Course summary: A practical course on the use of experimental design and response surface methodology for modelling empirical data. Covers relevant background and theory required to select and analyse an appropriate experimental design for extracting information about a system. Examples and exercises in Matlab® and commercial design software are used to introduce practical aspects and problems often encountered while using experimental design.
Content: Screening designs, optimization designs, mixture designs, regression modelling, prediction, analysis of variance.
Lectures and exercises: Five sessions and additional home and group work. Sessions;
- March 25th (R011/B016), 8:30-12
- March 26th (R011/B018), 8:30-12
- March 28th (R011/B016), 8:30-12
- April 2nd (R011/B016), 8:30-12
- April 4th (R011/B016), 8:30-12
Grading and assessment: Attendance and exam (grading pass/fail).Teacher: Mikko Mäkelä (
N.B. There is a limited number of seats available in the course. If you register and can't attend, please release your seat for someone else, thank you.
- March 25th (R011/B016), 8:30-12