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    We will be running two thesis seminars: intensive and remote. Each have their own WebOodi registrations and MyCourses site.

    Intensive: last week of period IV + independent working with thesis plan + getting plan approved in the programme. 
    Next intensive seminar will (exceptionally) take place this spring, after which seminar happens only once a year, in the orientation week just before period I.

    Remote: any time during the academic year a set of submitted assignments + independent working with thesis plan + getting plan approved in the programme. This spring term we are behind the schedule and registration will open (WebOodi gods permitting) Saturday March 2. Look for Thesis seminar (DIY). Deadline for the Spring assignments is 31.5. 

    Intensive thesis seminar week schedule:
    Agenda: to kick-off thesis plan writing. Writing a good plan for the thesis is roughly one third of the entire workload. During this week we will offer the tools and tutoring and discuss a lot about what makes a good thesis plan and how to do it. After this intensive week students will continue to polish their plans to be presented in the programme later this Spring.
    Mon 8.4. 9:15-15:00 (Otakaari 1, U264) Thesis plan basics
    Tue 9.4. 9:15-17 (Space tbc) Independent learning & working with assignments, tutoring sessions
    Wed 10.4. 9:15-15 (Otakaari 1, Y308) Thesis plan components
    Thu 11.4. 9:15-17 (Space tbc) Independent learning & working with assignments, tutoring sessions
    Fri 12.4. 9:15-15:00 (Otakaari 1, U264) Thesis plan actions