
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      DL 19.8.2019 9:00.

      You may return your poster design here as a PDF file. The poster can be on display on your stand 22.8.2019. This poster is not compulsory for the completion of the course. Maximum size for the poster is 42 inches (= 107 cm) and we can cut it smaller. The file name of the poster shall be of form P#_107cm.pdf where you replace # with your group number and 107 with the major dimension you want for your poster in centimeters.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      DL 22.8.2019 9:00.

      For the 22.8.2019 presentation. PDF and pptx slides, videos, etc. that you want to present in the AS2 lecture hall.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      DL 30.8.2019 23:59.

      Someone from your group must return your final report here as a PDF file.