Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    The first lecture will be given on May 6, 2019. Please note that it is mandatory to attend the first lecture. If you do not come to the first lecture, we would assume that you have dropped the course. We will discuss course arrangements during the first lecture. It is mandatory to attend all the 4 lectures. It is recommended to bring your own laptops to the lectures. 

    You can receive 3 or 5 credits from this course, depending on how many assignments you have completed. Details can be found from the 'Assignments' Page. 

    Learning outcomes:

    - Students will be familiar with the process of implementing an augmented reality based assembly assistance application.

    - Students will be aware of challenges remained in the development of cognitive assistance applications.


    This intensive course provides tutorials on developing augmented reality based cognitive assistance (CA) applications, including tools for training object classifiers, creating augmented reality content, and generating application code. Students will learn from practice of application development.


    - Students should have basic programming skills (e.g. Python, C++ or android development) because the final project includes programming tasks. Prior experience with Android programming will be very helpful.

    - In order to pass the course, students must complete three assignments and one final project. 

    - If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the course, please feel free to contact the course teacher and assistants.

    Teacher:   Prof. Yu Xiao   yu.xiao(at)aalto.fi

    Course Assistants:

    Truong-An Pham truong.pham(at)aalto.fi

    Junjue Wang junjuew(at)cs.cmu.edu