23E99905 - Master's Thesis Seminar, 07.01.2020-31.12.2020
This course space end date is set to 31.12.2020 Search Courses: 23E99905
Topic outline
When you wish to submit the final version of your thesis, the thesis has to be completely ready (it cannot be submitted unfinished or in several parts), and the supervisor has to have given their permission to submit the thesis. The grade given for the thesis cannot be upgraded. Before submitting the final version, you are encouraged to check the originality of your thesis with the independent Turnitin originality checker (link to the workspace below).
When the supervisor has given you their permission to submit the thesis:- Submit your thesis on PDF/A form in MyCourses. The file should include thesis, cover page and abstract.
- Submit your thesis (the same PDF/A file) to eAge for Learning Center’s archives.
The supervisor evaluates the thesis and the content of the abstract serving as a maturity essay. For Master’s theses, there is always a second evaluator, who cooperates with the primary supervisor in evaluating the thesis. The Master’s theses are finally approved by the Heads of Departments.
In this workspace students can independently check their draft texts with help of a Turnitin similarity report. The report helps you to assess the relationship between your own text and other sources as it highlights similarities between the submitted text and sources in Turnitin repositories. Based on the report you can correct wrong similarities for the next version in order to avoin plagiarism.