Osion kuvaus

    • Course text books:

      • Karjalainen, A., Alha, K., Jutila, S. (2006). Give me time to think - determining student workload in higher education. Oulu, Finland: Oulu University Press. http://www.oulu.fi/w5w/tyokalut/GET2.pdf
      • Fry, Heather. ; Ketteridge, Steve. ; Marshall, Stephanie. A handbook for teaching and learning in higher education : enhancing academic practice / edited by Heather Fry, Steve Ketteridge, Stephanie Marshall. New York ; Routledge, 2009. ISBN 9780203891414., ISBN 0203891414. https://teemu-tomcat.linneanet.fi/vwebv/holdingsInfo?bibId=674841

      Learning outcomes

      Declan Kennedy, Áine Hyland, Norma Ryan: Writing and Using Learning Outcomes: a Practical Guide. 

      Other books and materials:

      General handbook on higher education pedagogy

      Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

      Teaching Methods

      The Importance of Teachers’ Knowledge

      • The original paper:  Philip M. SadlerGerhard SonnertHarold P. CoyleNancy Cook-Smithand Jaimie L. Miller. The Influence of Teachers’ Knowledge on Student Learning in Middle School Physical Science Classrooms. American Educational Research Journal October 2013 501020-1049first published on March 6, 2013 doi:10.3102/0002831213477680

      • A blog post that summarizes Sadler et al. paper: https://academiccomputing.wordpress.com/2013/06/06/the-importance-of-teachers-knowledge/

      Check the publication lists for interesting topics like blended learning; massive open online courses; flipped classroom: educational technology; technology-enhanced learning; threshold concepts; problem solving; authentic learning environments

      • Dr. Christian Stöhr, http://ait.gu.se/kontaktaoss/personal/Christian_Stohr
      • Prof. Dr. Tom Adawi, http://ait.gu.se/kontaktaoss/personal/tom_adawi

      Aalto Course Feedback system

      Link to Aalto wiki page regarding Course feedback system. Wiki pages are partly in Finnish, Swedish and English. 

      Quality frameworks

      Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF)

      NATIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR QUALIFICATIONS AND OTHER LEARNING. Reports of the Ministry of Education 2009:24. 


      Eva Kyndt, Inneke Berghmans, Filip Dochy & Lydwin Bulckens (2014) ‘Time is not enough.’ Workload in higher education: a student perspective, Higher Education Research & Development, 33:4, 684-698, DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2013.863839

      Games in teaching

      Seppanen 2012 - A Production Control Game for Teaching of Location-Based Management System's Controlling Methods

      Descriptors de

      Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF)fining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF)