Topic outline

  • From idea to your master's thesis project start: what you should know 

    If you are considering to start a master's thesis project soon and looking for suitable topic and position for your master's thesis project, it is important to know:

    1. Whether you meet formal requirements to start a master's thesis project (and can apply for topic approval).

    2. What types of master's thesis works are done at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation.

    3. Read what to do once you find a topic/position for your master's thesis and brief information about master's thesis projects done at School of Electrical Engineering (information for students and advisors from companies).

    How to get started?

    Situation 1

    Professors of the department may have suitable positions/projects for your master's thesis.

    In this case, contact directly one of professors and express your wish to do Master's thesis work. If there is suitable position for you, initial meeting is arranged and Master's thesis project starts. 

    Situation 2

    You find a possible master's thesis topic/position by yourself (possible position can be in Finland or abroad, either to a company or another university, or it can be a topic of student's own interest). 

    In this case: 

    1. Find a supervisor for your master's thesis  by contacting one of Aalto University professors. 

    Typically, as a supervisor acts a professor from the School of Chemical Engineering. Student can find suitable supervisor by checking research groups and their topics at School of Electrical Engineering or by asking the professor in charge of major about the right person to supervise your master's thesis. 

    Note: In case, for some reasons, a professor from another Aalto School is going to supervise your master's thesis, it has to be confirmed by the professor in charge of the major.

    2. The supervisor evaluates that the thesis and topic meets all aims and requirements set by the School of Electrical Engineering, estimates duration of the project and agrees to supervise your master's thesis.

    3. Arrange initial meeting with your supervisor and company's representative to start your master's thesis.  

    If an external company is involved into Master's thesis: 

    Aalto University has made a contract template to be used when students agree upon making a master’s thesis with an external collaboration organisation. It should particularly be noted that the contract is always made between the student and the external organisation and it should be communicated to the thesis supervisor. The contract includes, for instance, provisions on the copyrights of the thesis.

    Read more: Study and educational projects – contracts with organisations outside Aalto University

    Download pdf file with brief information about Master's thesis projects at Aalto University, School of Chemical Engineering