
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Deadline: June 03

      Activate your WordPress account for the Course Blog: https://hcrdcrisis2020.wordpress.com

      Set up your profile with a brief bio (optionally adding a picture of yourself). 

      Prepare an initial blog post by telling us about your background and also your interests in the topic of human-centred design and crisis.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Deadline: June 08

      Prepare a brief blog post (3-5 paragraphs) covering:

      a) Your perspective on crisis based on readings and lecture discussions thus far.

      b) Discuss an example crisis context and analyze key challenges and issues encountered from the perspective of a first responder, stakeholder or person affected by crisis.

      Feel free to use any images, videos or related links in your post.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Deadline: June 18

      Pick a problem domain or project concept presented in the first two weeks of class: 

      a) Digital Volunteer Management for Finnish Red Cross or Crisis Management tools for Aalto

      b) Contact Tracing using Ketju app (presented by Reaktor) or Physical Tokens (proposed by EIT)

      c) Voices for Urban Mobility - symptom monitoring app or public info. kiosks

      Alternatively, if you're already working on a crisis-related project for your thesis or workplace, you may use that as a case study if you prefer.

      Consider how you might engage human-centred design, technology or data science in any of these contexts and what social/ethical/political challenges you might anticipate in conducting research, designing or deploying such approaches in crisis contexts.

      Prepare a brief blog post (3-5 paragraphs) with images, concept diagrams or links to related work or readings. You don't need to offer a solution, but try to pose critical questions and how you might address them. We pushed the deadline to Thursday, June 18th so you have more time.

      We will be using your responses to inform our workshop session on June 26th, where we may ask you to share some aspects for discussion as well. 

      Later you may partner with other students to develop this into a design-research proposal for your course project, or decide to choose a different topic if you prefer.

      Let us know if you have any questions (over email or Slack).

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Deadline: July 7

      Based on the workshop on Mapping Ecologies of Crisis using Design Thinking, conduct a similar analysis for a crisis domain of interest (which is likely for your own project). You may work with peers in class to do this as a group assignment. Create a Miro board mapping and visualizing the overall ecology of the crisis domain, while highlighting key stakeholders, concerns/challenges, questions and opportunities for design engagement. 

      Submit the completed Miro board along with a blog post of your reflections in conducting this process and describe the emerging outcomes (you may embed images of the Miro board in your blog post as well).

      This assignment will also be useful as you develop your collaborative project concept proposals (due July 17), so you may include outcomes from it in the proposal.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Deadline: July 17

      Prepare a collaborative write-up (4 - 5 pages) or an extensive blog post building on your research and design concepts from the 3 previous assignments to address the crisis context you have been investigating. Cite prior work, course readings and related papers in your write-up. 

      Propose a concrete project including how you would conduct the research with stakeholders and participants, design the concepts, services or technologies involved, address critical challenges for implementation and assess the outcomes.

      We encourage you to do this collaboratively in groups; the write-up can be a written paper or mixed-media essay on the course blog (with images and videos). 

      For students taking the course for 3 credits, this will be the final deliverable. 

      For others, this will serve as the basis for their extended project for the 2nd half of the course, which upon completion would offer them 6 credits.

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      Deadline extended: August 14

      Based on the lectures on Ethics, Politics & Practices of AI in Society, prepare a blog post reflecting on AI ethics. 

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      Deadline: August 28

      Organize a workshop on one of the following dates: August 12, 19 or 26. The topic should be related to your project but also have a broader appeal to offer pedagogical lessons or design directions for your peers.

      At least 2 people have to pair up to develop and organize a workshop. Make sure you add suggested readings and learning/design outcomes expected. You can invite a guest to present or share an aspect of your work as part of the session or show videos/materials to inspire your thinking and brainstorming. 

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Deadline: September 7

      Prepare a collaborative write-up (7 - 10 pages) building on your research and design concepts studied from the beginning of the course to address the crisis context you have chosen on the project concept deliverable. Cite prior work, course readings and related papers in your write-up. 

      Propose a concrete deliverable including your learnings from conducting research with stakeholders and participants, design of the concepts, services or technologies involved, address critical challenges encountered for implementation and assess the outcomes.

      We encourage you to do this collaboratively in groups; the write-up can be a written paper or mixed-media essay on the course blog (with images and videos).