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    Hint for students: In the top-left corner of your screen there should be a menu symbol (three white lines on orange background). By clicking this symbol you can make the table of contents of the course site visible if it is not visible for you by default. This will greatly help you navigate the course site.

    Welcome to the home page of the course 21E12002 Capstone in Creative Sustainability! Here you can find general information about the course. If you become interested and would like to be admitted to the course as a student, please follow the instructions below.

    During the course students work in multidisciplinary teams towards finding creative solutions to real-life social and environmental challenges brought by client organisations. This year we are proposing projects with the following organizations:

    Espoo - Climate communications strategy for the city of Espoo

    Halti - Communicating sustainability of products to consumers

    HSY - Shared cargo e-bike service and storage solution

    OP - Sustainability targets for corporate banking

    Restaurant Nolla - Restaurant sustainability beyond zero waste

    Riverrecycle - Removing plastic from the world’s rivers

    The team members are expected to work intensively together during the course. They will also be meeting with the representatives of the client organizations. Each team will receive a tutor to guide them during the projects. The class will come together for five mandatory contact sessions over the course of the Capstone. Considering the COVID-19 situation, the sessions will be organized online. Other than this, there will be no organized contact sessions, but teams may use the course hours indicated in Oodi for team meetings, client meetings and tutoring sessions. For more details about the course (including workload, evaluation, and schedule), please see the course syllabus (you can find it close to the top right corner of the page, in Finnish it is called 'kurssiesite').

    If you would like to apply to the course, please do the following:

    1. Sign in to the course via Oodi on 30.11.2020 at the latest.
    2. After you have signed in to the course in Oodi, you can access the project descriptions (on this MyCourses website; there may sometimes be a short delay before the system recognizes you). Study the descriptions and decide which projects would be the most interesting ones for you.
    3. After signing in to the course in Oodi you will also have access to the form where you can submit your application (on this MyCourses website). Complete your application on 1.12.2020 at the latest.
    4. You will be informed about whether or not you are accepted to the course on 11.12.2020 at the latest.