22E20700 - Research Methods in Accounting, 07.09.2020-30.09.2020
This course space end date is set to 30.09.2020 Search Courses: 22E20700
Topic outline
SAS book File PDF
You need to read these articles in order to pass the qualitative exam
SAS intro File PDFThe Little SAS Book: A Primer, 5th ed.CHAPTER 1: Getting Started Using SAS Software
dret = daily returns and volumes for a (randomly selected) sub-sample of firms from CRSP.
mCRSPret= monthly return on S&P Composite index.
mret = monthly return of all firms from CRSP.
NI = net income data from Compustat.
rdq = quarterly earnings announcement dates from Compustat.
ExecuComp = executive data from ExecuComp (period 1993-2017).
COMPUSTAT = financial data from Compustat (period 1993-2017).