Topic outline

  • Welcome to Qualitative Research Methods

    Welcome to Qualitative Business Research Methods!

    Due to the Corona situation, all classes will be held online. You can find the Zoom-meetings for each class on it's tab on the left-hand side.

    <-- Please begin by reading the Syllabus on the left-hand side tab.

    The course schedule and discussion forum can be found below.

    • Communication

      All course communication will take place through News and Discussion forum (below).

      • News is the main channel through which the lecturer will contact you. If there are, for example, any changes in the time table or any urgent news, the News will be used. There is a compulsory subscription of the News forum to your email, but please check in periodically.
      • Please use the Discussion forum if you have any questions or feedback regarding course topics, lectures, materials, assingments etc. Please only use email if the matter is very personal or very urgent.