25E55000 - Entrepreneurship and Society, 11.09.2020-20.11.2020
This course space end date is set to 20.11.2020 Search Courses: 25E55000
Topic outline
Welcome to Entrepreneurship and Society course!
This course provides a self-paced learning platform introducing students to the current topics in the field of entrepreneurship research. By doing so, the course also emphasises the use of theories from different disciplines that are applied to entrepreneurship phenomena, such as psychology, sociology, organizational theory, linguistics, economics, history and geography.
The course provides self-organized learning exercises and one-to-one feedback sessions to help students learn “how to craft an introduction, literature review and theoretical framework” for an academic paper.
- Students gain an overview of current themes in the field of entrepreneurship research.
- They develop competencies in conducting a literature review and writing an academic paper.
- Students enrich their skills in searching for suitable literatures and comprehending scientific articles.
- They learn to problematize under-explored phenomena in the entrepreneurship literature and to specify relevant research aims, questions and theoretical approaches for examining a specific topic.
- As final outcome, students are able to develop a concise academic paper, including an introduction, literature review and theoretical framework, which can be directly applied in their Master’s thesis work or in any other research project.
It is important to note that the course is oriented at the study of entrepreneurship rather than training the student to start and manage a small firm. Thus, the course will help students learn the skills for critical thinking, argumentation and research, and enhance their capability to engage in debates on entrepreneurship as start-up entrepreneur, business or policy consultant, or manager and expert of a larger corporation.
Read about the course content and requirements in the Syllabus, and utilise the steps offered on this page to guide you through the journey!
- Students gain an overview of current themes in the field of entrepreneurship research.