Osion kuvaus

  • The schedule will be finalized in the first meeting. Period 3 meetings (topic presentations) will be conducted online, while period 4 meetings (main presentations and designated discussants) are likely to be held in Otaniemi. This entails 3 or 4 visits to the campus, where the seminar will meet in subgroups of less than 10 participants.

    Please notice that information offered elsewhere may not be up-to-date due to the changing pandemic situation. The schedule information listed here is the definitive and most up to date.  In period 3 the seminar is organized by Marko Terviö, and in period 4 by Kristiina Huttunen.

    • Post your last and first name, your current (possibly preliminary) thesis title inside quotes, and your supervisor's last name in parentheses. If you are writing a thesis in Finnish, please add a rough English translation of your title in the end. A one line post is sufficient, for example:

      Meikäläinen, Matti, "The impact of generic substitution regulation on prices in Nordic pharmaceutical markets" (Toivanen)

      Teikäläinen, Teija, "Laumakäyttäytymisen taloustiede" (Murto) "Economics of Herd Behavior"

      Post this information before the first meeting. You can update it later by posting a comment to your own post.