Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to 35C04000 Global Logistics and Distribution Networks. 

    This is a BA's elective course, which will be arranged in Period IV starting on 2 (Tuesday) March 2021. The course lecture time is 15:15 ~ 17:00 for both Tuesday and Thursday sessions. However, for sessions 6, 8, 10 and 12, when there is a group case presentation, the lecture time is extended for an hour, so ending at 18:00. 

    There are four group assignments. Besides these, each group has to present one case or be a discussant for the presentation. For details, please see "Assignments."  

    Due to the pandemic problem, the course will be arranged online. Likewise, the exam will also be arranged an open-book online exam via Zoon. Each session lecture will be recorded and uploaded to MyCourses. 

    For more details about the content, please see the Syllabus.

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