Topic outline

  • Main page of MIS 2021 course

    Welcome to the Management Information Systems (MIS) course page! Please find the detailed syllabus below. The course launched on March 2 in Zoom (see its recording, use other browsers than Safari). The other live lectures will be also recorded for students, if possible. The assignments are already available under Instructions for Assignments tab, first deadline was March 4 (the deadlines are flexible with a daily penalty). Welcome warmly to the MIS course!  See the overview below.

    NEW: Use the Presemo channel to give anonymous feedback or chat anonymously with your peers during the course. 

    Course summary and deadlines March 15 2021

    • Choice icon

      Check here all guest lectures that you have been present (at least 75% of the lecture's time). You may update your choices until April 8. Note that the teacher will also hold records of the number of students attending each guest lecture. This information will be used when granting the up to 10 bonus points from video quizzes and presences. See preliminary scaling information of the points from our Teams group MIS 2021 Spring (Lectures channel). Send Johanna e-mail in case you forgot to mark your presences by the deadline - she will update the records!

    • Choice icon

      Data submitted via Aalto Course Diaries (above or using its mobile app) or other tools used at this course (such as Panopto) may be used for pedagogical research. The data can be connected to other data sources, such as Oodi or Sisu, and student interview or questionnaire data. Personal or identifiable data is never disclosed when reporting the results, but the data is handled ethically and anonymised. If you want to opt out from the pedagogical research, please select "No thanks" by entering this poll from the title!