
  • Welcome to the online MIS 2020 course!

    Welcome to the Management Information Systems (MIS) course page! Please see the syllabus below - this course is an online (recorded) version of the same course to be lectured in Spring 2021 next time. The course assignments (60% of the grade) can be found under the Assignments tab. Note the Visual Learning Diary (see its student instructions here) in below this page - it is used for gathering your feedback and reflections on the software tools used at the course in Assignments 2-9 (worth 2/100 points). 

    The link to course Teams channel can be found in the right-hand panel of this page (scroll down).

    If you have any questions regarding the course, please send email to Sanna Tiilikainen (@aalto.fi).

    MIS course summary with deadlines

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      Data submitted via the Visual learning diary system or other tools used at this course (such as Panopto) may be used for pedagogical research. The data can be connected to other data sources, such as Oodi or Sisu, and student interview or questionnaire data. Personal or identifiable data is never disclosed when reporting the results, but the data is handled ethically and anonymised. If you want to opt out from the pedagogical research, please select "No thanks" by entering this poll from the title!

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
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      Poll about video lectures Opinionsmätning

      Thank you for enrolling to the online MIS course!

      Based on the feedback received last year, we will utilise the lectures recorded earlier (either Spring 2020 or 2019) as course material. While the Panopto recordings are not optimal as online teaching videos due to their length, we are offering three alternative ways to use them. Note that you may pause the viewing in Panopto and continue at a later time, and you can also change the speed at which you watch the videos (e.g. 1,5x speed).

      Way 1: You may watch the videos with no interrupting quizzes.

      Way 2: You may watch the videos with practice quizzes in the midst of the videos. The quizzes ask questions from the preceding video content, and they prevent the viewer from continuing until the quiz questions have been answered.

      Way 3: Same as previous (Way 2), but you may opt to collect bonus points with the quizzes. The bonus points can be used to replace a part in the exam of equivalent value (20 points, i.e. 50% of the exam's value). Remember to proceed with the video viewing after the quizzes, so that the results will be recorded correctly by Panopto!

      Please select the preferred option from the options below. You may update your selection any time, until October 19 noon. Click the header "Poll about video lectures" to enter the Poll.