
  • Announcements FIRST SEE THIS


    This is an online course with personal assignments and one-on-one interaction with the lecturers.

    There are 11 sessions, starting on Monday 1 March at 16:15 and then continuing on Thursdays and Mondays (excluding Easter Monday).

    Scroll to the bottom of this page to find the entrance to Matti's lectures. The join link is also here:


    You will receive the links to the other lecturers' sessions in due course.

    Please attend the sessions meticulously and in full. This will guarantee the best possible learning outcome and the highest marks.

    Attendance requirements are explained under tab Participant tasks and assessment on the left. If you do not see the tabs, click the three vertical lines – III – in the top left corner and they will appear.

    For session dates and times, see tab Detailed schedule with lecture titles and lecturers.

    Attendance in the first, introductory session is essential, so BE THERE.

    You can prepare for the first session by familiarising yourself with all the contents of this MyCourses space. Make sure that you see all of it, the tabs on the left included.

    You will find general instructions for the lectures and assignments related to them under the tab Session times and practical instruction for attendance and assignments - DO NOT MISS THIS.

    The course includes two literature exams. PDF versions of the books can be found under the tab Course materials. Start studying them at once. You will find instructions under the tab How to prepare for the book exams. Check it out. There are examples of questions there, some of which will be exam questions on the day.

    To understand what business ethics is, from a theoretical viewpoint, you would be wise to acquaint yourself with the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’s entry on it:


    To understand the political philosophy aspect of the course you can read Matti Häyry’s Doctrines and Dimensions of Justice which is also attached as a separate file under Course Materials.