Osion kuvaus


    Submit by May 24, 2021 the final version of your thesis and your maturity test (kypsyysnäyte) to the: 

    ISM Turnitin submission boxes (click the previous link) for Bachelor's theses and Maturity tests. 

    Select Bachelor thesis submission / Kandidaatintyön palautus from the left panel on the above page, and scroll down to the May 24 submission boxes of study year 2020-21. For instructions regarding Turnitin, please see the info pages. KYPSYYSNÄYTE INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND HERE: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=329846#

    NOTE: Before submitting the final version of your thesis officially, you are highly encouraged to check beforehand the originality of your thesis with the independent Turnitin checking provided behind this LINK (enrol to the workspace and choose the alternative Submission for drafts which is for checking your paper against other sources before your paper is graded). 

    However, if you wish to receive guidance from your supervisor for interpreting the Turnitin reports from the previous independent check, you can utilise also the Turnitin submission box below for this seminar (the seminar supervisors are able to see the Turnitin reports in the box below, but not in the school's general independent checking box above). Notify your supervisor via email, if you want him/her to interpret the Turnitin report from the box below, before you submit the final version to the ISM theses pages).


    You will find information about the Maturity test types here. Submit also the maturity test by May 24, 2021 to the submission box that is located next to the thesis submission box in the ISM thesis pages.

    Note that the next (and the last) Thesis & Maturity test submission boxes for study year 2020-21 in the ISM pages is July 30, in case you are not aiming to graduate in May 24, 2021 already.

    • Final thesis version: You can manually mark a tick in the completion box here when you have submitted the final version of your thesis to ISM's thesis pages.

    • Maturity test: You can manually mark a tick in the completion box here when you have submitted your Maturity test to ISM's thesis pages.

    • Turnitin Tehtävä 2 icon

      Use this Turnitin plagiarism detection submission box, in case you wish your supervisor also to see and help you interpret Turnitin's results reports.

    • Tehtävä icon

      This is optional, but to fasten the grading process, please upload here your final version of the thesis in Word format so that it contains the tracked changes from the draft version presented in the seminar. You can prepare this comparison version easily afterwards in Word by comparing the draft_thesis.doc to the final_thesis.doc and saving the comparison file as a third compared_thesis.doc version. In (Mac's) Word, this can be done via Tools > Track changes > Compare documents.