
  • Welcome

    • Mapp icon
      Course grade Mapp
      - Course grade is updated on May 17 by including feedback bonus.

      - Correction: feedback bonus is 0.1, other than 0.05
      - The course grade has not yet been sent to examination office, but I will submit them after one week (on May 21). If you find anything wrong in your course grade, please contact me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
      - I have contacted a few of those whose course grade may have problem.
      - Grades of Cognos challenge winner are considered.
      - Course grade of 4.5 is rounded up to 5.

      Finally, thank you all for attending the course and I wish everyone a wonderful summer ahead!

    • Fil icon
      Participant list to the zoom lecture sessions (all 12 sessions excluding video sessions) Fil XLSX
      • The file will be updated after each zoom lecture session.
      • Names attending the lecture for at least 5 minutes were recorded.
      • Please write your name fully and clearly in the zoom session. You can change your name very easily during the zoom meeting (method available at: https://rotary7080.org/page/Changing-Your-Name-in-a-Zoom-Meeting)
    • URL icon
      Please offer your feedback or suggestion during the course via Presemo here URL


    • Response to the in-course feedback:

      There is a request to inform beforehand about whether guest lecture will be video-recorded or not. I have contacted some of guest speakers and received their feedback. Please see the updated information below.

      1. Guest lecture on 08 March (speaker Sami Laine): will be recorded.
      2. Guest lecture on 22 March (speaker József Mezei) - (Updated 21 March): The whole (not part of) lecture will be recorded.
              There is a change in the record plan: as the relevant company does not want to share any information about their ongoing projects, the speaker has to exclude the relevant content and thus the whole lecture can be recorded.
      3. Guest lecture on 24 March (speaker Timo Herttua): The lecture will be recorded.
      4. Interview on 29 March (speaker Peder Berggren): The interview will be recorded. The interview is 30 minutes. After that, the lecture will be recorded.
      5. Guest lecture on 31 March (speaker Laura Nässi): Will be recorded.
      6. Guest lecture on 07 April (speaker Jesse Rajala & Tuukka Pesonen): The lecture will be recorded.
    • Welcome to the Business Intelligence course!

      The lecturer is available for online instruction between 13:00 - 14: 00 (March 31).
      Zoom: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/5138969960. 

      Please feel free to visit and ask. I may be absent for a short while from the Zoom session to e.g. grab a coffee.
      The availability information will be updated everyday.

      The objective of the course is to give the students an understanding of the data informed decision-making. The focus is on business-oriented analytical skills, which enable the students to work with the data, to understand them and turn them into intelligence and actions.

      After the course, you will be able to:
      • obtain an understanding of the data informed decision-making in enterprises.
      • obtain business-oriented analytical skills via the use of Power BI and IBM Cognos
      • understand the challenges to work with the data, to understand them and turn them into intelligence and actions.

      Evaluation schema
      1. Power BI assignment (10%)
      2. Learning diary (50%)
      3. IBM Cognos assignment (40%)

      Important Dates:
      March 01: First lecture
      March 15: DL for forming group of 3 - 5 members (Please inform course assistant Jiang Yuting <yuting.jiang@aalto.fi> about your group information, or if you need help to form a group)
      March 17: DL for Power BI assignment
      April 12:    IBM Cognos Challenage Announcement
      April 15:    DL to submit learning diary
      April 22:    DL to submit videos and reports (IBM Cognos Challenage)
      April 23:    Five teams will be selected and informed to partipate in the final competition.
      April 27:    Final Competition Event (5 teams)

      course schedule 2021
    • Forum icon
      Announcements Forum
      General news and announcements by the course facilitators. With default settings, you'll also receive these to your emailbox.
    • Forum icon
      Allmän diskussion Forum

      Here you can ask questions from the facilitators, wonder anything and participate with your own ideas.

    • URL icon
      Zoom session URL