Osion kuvaus

  • ARK-E2006 Building Design Studio Lectures (3ect)

    Travel Architecture on the Arctic Circle

    This year the building design studio 1 will study travel architecture in Lapland, near the Arctic Circle. The design studio is supported by this lecture series on the theme. We will focus on how to develop architecture arising from the environmental and cultural context. We will look into designing hospitality spaces and explore new possibilities for tourism in the arctic area in relation to nature. 

    The lecture series is mandatory for all Building Design Studio 1 participants and open for other master level students as well. During the lecture course you will be writing a reflection essay on how the themes discussed during the lectures have shaped your own design work and how they could be put into practice in your future work as an architect.


    Lectures take place on Tuesdays 10.15 – 12.00 in zoom during period I. Links to zoom meetings will be posted on MyCourses in advance. Pre-reading material relating to the theme of the lecture will be shared on MyCourses beforehand.

    8.9. 2020 Working with the Context – architecture responsive to the site’s natural and cultural conditionsMaiju Suomi, architect, University Teacher, Aalto University

    15.9.2020 An architectural history of Lapland tourism from the perspective of landscapes and local cultureHarri Hautajärvi, architect, D.Sc.

    22.9.2020 New Possibilities for Tourism in the Arctic Area in Relation to NatureOuti Rantala,

    PhD, Associate Professor (Responsible arctic tourism), University of Lapland

    29.9.2020 10.15-12 THE MULTI.SENSORY REALITY: integrating the existential experience, Juhani Pallasmaa, architect, professor

    Please note, extra lecture and different time: 29.9.2020 13.15-14.45 Sustainability Priorities in Building Construction, Simon Le Roux, architect, Wood Program Specialist at Ministry of the Environment of Finland

    6.10.2020 Changing the Factory Settings of Common Tourism in a World of Climate Change and Pandemics, Soile Veijola, Professor of Cultural Studies of Tourism, University of Lapland

    13.10.2020 Tourism Architecture, Recent Projects, Heikki Viiri, architect and Willem van Bolderen, architect, Studio Puisto

    20.10.2020  Design Process and examples on hospitality architecture, Teemu Kurkela, architect, JKMM

    80% attendance to the lectures is required. In case you miss more than one lecture, you can compensate for this by completing an extra assignment.

    more information from Maiju Suomi, University Teacher, maiju.suomi@aalto.fi