Topic outline

  • Reuse of buildings studio 2021

    Assignment of the design task on Thursday January 14th at 13.15. All tutorings and other events in zoom. Zoom-links can be found in section "Zoom-events".

    All information and materials for the studio course will be distributed through Mycourses.


    14.1. Assignment + Task 1

    21.1. Site visit

    28.1. Task 1 presentation + Task 2

    4.2. Task 2 presentation + Task 3

    11.2. Tutoring

    18.2. Tutoring

    25.2. No tutoring

    4.3. Task 3 presentation + Task 4

    11.3. Tutoring

    18.3. Tutoring

    25.3. Tutoring

    1.4. No tutoring 

    8.4. Task 4 mid review

    15.4. Tutoring

    22.4. Tutoring

    29.4. Tutoring

    6.5. Tutoring

    13.5. Ascension Day, no tutoring

    20.5. Tutoring

    27.5. Tutoring