CHEM-C2150 - Process Design, 12.01.2021-14.04.2021
This course space end date is set to 14.04.2021 Search Courses: CHEM-C2150
Welcome to the online course "Process Design", 5cr
This course taught remotely will give understanding on designing processes from raw materials to products. In this course, you will learn the basics of process design, design methodology, Research and Development (R&D) fundamentals, and preliminary and basic design. The focus will be in the process and equipment sizing, Process Flow Diagrams (PFD), Piping and Instrumentation (PI) diagrams, costs and profitability calculations, heat integration, mass transfer based and mechanical unit operations, safety and environmental aspects in design, documents created in design and the tools needed in design. In addition, Aspen Plus steady state process simulation (flow sheeting) program will allow you to practice process design, analysis and optimization.
The course starts on Tuesday12.1. 2021 at 8:30All lectures and exercises are in Zoom link:
Course Timetable: